Peloton Resources

The tools that will guide you in leading a passionate team of fundraisers.

Organizing a team, which we call a Peloton, is an incredible way for a group of friends, family members or colleagues to band together and fundraise above and beyond for cancer research. There are no added costs or requirements to having a Peloton, aside from all Pelotons must have at least 5 members to start the team. Peloton members can include Riders, Challengers, and/or Volunteers.
Hundreds of Pelotons – big and small – have made up the majority of the Pelotonia community since its inception and have raised millions for cancer research.

Peloton Leadership Tips

  • Set Peloton Policies

    Every Peloton is working toward the same goal, but each one gets there in their own, unique way. Before you begin promoting your Peloton we encourage you to outline what it means to be a member of this special effort.

  • Recruit

    The best way to recruit is to host a kick-off to share important information & generate excitement. You can even host a session through Zoom or another video conference platform! Let people know all the options available to get involved.

  • Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

    Reach out to your Peloton frequently via email, social media, and/or informational sessions to let them know any updates, inspiring stories, or news from Pelotonia HQ.


Peloton Leader Downloads

  • Peloton Leadership Guide

    Description: All the tips to help you in leading your new or returning Peloton.

  • Jersey Vendor Guide

    Pricing and contact info for preferred jersey vendors.

  • 2025 Asset Kit

    Download the creative assets for our 2025 theme to use in your communications.

Looking for a specific Peloton? Find a list of current Pelotons here.

GoPeloton List

Interested in starting a Peloton? Contact the Community Engagement team at [email protected].

100% of participant-raised funds go to innovative cancer research.

2281 Kenny Road, Suite 450, Columbus, Ohio 43210 | 614.221.6100

© 2025 Pelotonia. All rights reserved.

Major Funding Partners